Wednesday, March 12, 2008

trading card

I just had to try the trading card, because it was one of the details in the most recent 23 things email. Although I didn't like how it came out, I couldn't find the delete button to get rid of it. I am technically on thing 13 and have tried lots of different calendars out and such things like Backpack, but haven't looked at the Blog prompts yet. So I will tell of my travails once I do so, like right about now.

A patron just told me i was typing at 80 words per minute. I told him that was impossible, the fastest I ever typed was 45 words per minute. I guess my typing just sounds fast.
And important.
I didn't have the heart to tell him i was working on a Library 2.0 blog. Wouldn't that open a can of worms!

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