Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Thing 13

I found these tools intriguing and very functional for any business or service that allows the employees access to computers or expects them to be on the internet. Personally, I hate start pages. I know, I know, you can make them all special with different colors or setups, have your favorite interests up on them, tell you the weather of your home town etc. etc. But as soon as I had made my igoogle, I was frantically trying to get it off my main page.
I have igoogle on my laptop.
I think the yahoo! calendar or Remember the Milk was awesome! I thought I might just like to use it, since I am a very forgetful person and really need a palm pilot or some electronic calendar device to keep me on top of everything I'm supposed to do. Apparently, and I am not quite savvy to figure it out yet, one can have their notices for meeting and whatnot sent to their phone! Woohoo! I thought that was the coolest thing ever.
The to-do lists were cool, although I am so lazy that I would procrastinate by making to-do lists instead of actually doing anything on the to-do list! I do that non-electronically all the time. :)
Anyway, for a procrastinating, forgetful, always on the run person, this "Thing" was the best and very informative.
Yes, I did try out Backpack.
Now...I will just have to make sure I don't lose my internet connection!

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