Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Truth about Library Computers, and Virtual Libraries are cool, but not for me.

One of my only jobs is one that I rarely perform, but when I do, I am always in awe of what I find and clean. So I thought this was humorous, because it is so true.

I wouldn't like virtual libraries. Libraries are my retreats that I actually physically go to. I do too much online already and need an escape. It would be like having a virtual coffee shop. NO FUN! I love libraries for their existence as a physical entity. I love the people I interact with, the people that go. The way i get lost in the stacks, the CDs, and DVDs. Yes, it is a bit like flea store shopping, all that rough and tumble, I want it first kind of feel. I even love the smell of the library. I love how there is a coffee shop always next to them and how they don't prohibit food and drink. To me, I stare at a screen too much already. Give me flesh and blood books and people to help me in person, not on a chat, not somewhere in the vastness of cyberspace.

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